Data Connect Direct
Connect directly to a Snowflake DB Instance to directly query your own data on your own terms. No API here.
Connect directly to a Snowflake DB Instance to directly query your own data on your own terms. No API here.
Gain access to a variety of new datasets that you can immediately query, join with your own data, or add to dashboards or visualizations with your BI tool of choice.
We offer precise, extensive, and frequently-updated local market data in the US.
Our data is available across the entire US and can be queried at geographic scales ranging from the micro (Census block) through the macro (nation).
Better data and analysis leads to a better understanding of local market opportunities and risks.
Integrate with your commercial real estate and marketing applications, machine learning workflows, and other investment analytics.
Our goal is to offer the most complete snapshot of the geographically distributed consumer and retail economy. We start with the fundamentals of consumers and business establishments.
We believe that accurate capital allocation through reliable local market data is foundational to creating robust, healthy, and livable communities for all.
25,628+ registered businesses, across 12 commercial real estate verticals, use IdealSpot’s 3,000+ datasets and location science to help them build intelligence in their local markets.